Grafana Cloud k6 is the modern performance testing platform that brings cross-functional teams together to prevent system failures and consistently deliver fast and reliable applications. Get started quickly with the Grafana Cloud free tier: 500 virtual user hours/month, 10k metrics, 50GB logs, 50GB...
Introduction to Grafana Cloud k6 Docs Use the test builder Related resources from Grafana Labs Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: 60 min Performance testing and observability in Grafana Cloud In this webinar, learn how Grafana Cloud k6 offers you the best developer experience for ...
Learn how to write test scripts with this list of common k6 examples. Grafana Cloud k6 Leverage the k6 OSS capabilities in Grafana Cloud, with built-in dashboards, insights into your application performance, and the ability to bring together teams in one place to resolve issues faster. ...
The k6 blog provides tips, advice, and technical posts on k6, load testing, and how to get your performance testing on the right track.
2016 年 8 月,k6 在 GitHub 上发布了第一个版本,至此,一个出色的开源负载压测工具进入了人们的视野。 2021 年的 6 月,对于Grafana和 k6 来讲是个大日子,Grafana Labs 收购了 k6 。 而事实上, Grafana 与 k6 的缘分还要追溯到更早的 2 年前。
k6 背后的故事 2016 年 8 月,k6 在 GitHub 上发布了第一个版本,至此,一个出色的开源负载压测工具进入了人们的视野。 2021 年的 6 月,对于 Grafana 和 k6 来讲是个大日子,Grafana Labs 收购了 k6 。 而事实上, Grafana 与 k6 的缘分还要追溯到更早的 2 年前。
k6 背后的故事 2016 年 8 月,k6 在 GitHub 上发布了第一个版本,至此,一个出色的开源负载压测工具进入了人们的视野。 2021 年的 6 月,对于 Grafana 和 k6 来讲是个大日子,Grafana Labs 收购了 k6 。 而事实上, Grafana 与 k6 的缘分还要追溯到更早的 2 年前。
Native integration with Grafana cloud. SaaS solution for test execution, metrics correlation, data analysis, and more. This is what load testing looks like in the 21st century. Example script import http from "k6/http"; import { check, sleep } from "k6"; // Test configuration export const...
Grafana CloudFree Tier 10k series Prometheus metrics 50GB logs, 50GB traces, 50GB profiles 500VUh k6 testing 20+ Enterprise data source plugins 100+ pre-built solutions Create accountPut the credit card away. Trusted by 25M+ users worldwide ...
Native integration with Grafana cloud.SaaS solutionfor test execution, metrics correlation, data analysis, and more. This is what load testing looks like in the 21st century. Example script importhttpfrom"k6/http";import{check,sleep}from"k6";// Test configurationexportconstoptions={thresholds:{//...