I recently discovered Grafana, set it up with a few sources to monitor lab systems & my SCCM lab, and LOVE it! Everything seems to be working great except for one issue I cannot figure out. I tried installing a couple of plugins, however when trying to use grafana-cli from an SSH se...
Everything seems to be working great except for one issue I cannot figure out. I tried installing a couple of plugins, however when trying to use grafana-cli from an SSH session; it states “grafana-cli: command not found.” Below is some information about the build plus what I’ve trie...
然后使用grafana-cli plugins install + 获取的插件名安装 使用命令 grafana-cli plugins list-remote 获取可用插件列表 安装grafana-zabbix插件:(如下两个安装插件,会很慢,执行后界面会显示提示,有一个url,可以直接复制出来下载,建议多开一个CLI并行,2017年7月1日记录) grafana-cli plugins install alexanderzobnin-z...
grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel 1. 但是在grafana界面却显示报错信息: Panel plugin not found: grafana-piechart-panel 1. 原因就是我们虽然成功安装了grafana-piechart-panel插件,但是却没有告诉grafana插件安装的具体位置,所以grafana才会报找不到改插件的错误。 解决办法:告诉grafana,插件“graf...
https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/grafana-image-renderer/ 代码语言:javascript 复制 grafana-cli.exe plugins install grafana-image-renderer 稍等片刻,看看报错有没有图片。哎呀,图片出来了。 早~
官方安装方式:grafana-cli plugins install alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app 2.启动,设置开机启动 service grafana-server start chkconfig grafana-server on 3.数据源界面配置: 1.先需要开启插件(界面找) 2.参考网上文档配置 每天学习一点点 编程PDF电子书免费下载: http://www.shitanlif...
grafana-cli pluginslsgrafana-cli -h 可以查看使用的帮助信息 GLOBAL OPTIONS:--pluginsDir value Path to the Grafana plugin directory (default:"/var/lib/grafana/plugins") [$GF_PLUGIN_DIR]--repo value URL to the plugin repository (default:"https://grafana.com/api/plugins") [$GF_PLUGIN_REPO]...
按照官网文档,我进入容器执行grafana-cli plugins install grafana-image-renderer,然后重建pod,发现新的pod一直在重启,看了下日志发现有报错 代码语言:javascript 复制 Failed to start renderer plugin:Unrecognized remote plugin message:\n\nThis usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply\nneeds ...
Please restart Grafana after installing plugins. Refer to Grafana documentation for instructions if necessary. 也可以指定zabbix插件版本 grafana-cli plugins install alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app v4.4.0 [root@iZ7jhbf846n25aZ ~]# cd /var/lib/grafana/plugins/ ...
Display Grafana CLI version --versionor-vprints the version of Grafana CLI currently running. Example: bash grafana cli-v Override default plugin directory --pluginsDir valueoverrides the path to where your local Grafana instance stores plugins. Use this option if you want to install, update, or...