;error_or_timeout = alerting # Default setting for how Grafana handles nodata or null values in alerting. (alerting, no_data, keep_state, ok) ;nodata_or_nullvalues = no_data # Alert notifications can include images, but rendering many images at the same time can overload the server #...
官网文档 http://docs.grafana.org/alerting/notifications/ 发送邮件 修改smtp,找到%GRAFANA_HOME%/conf/defaults.ini(注windows环境) [smtp] enabled=true #开户email发送配置host= smtp.xxx.com:25 #此处需要加上端口号user=username@xxx.com #邮箱账号 # If the password contains # or ; you have to wrap...
This is all the settings/steps we need to create the alert and email notification in Grafana. You shall be able to see a dotted line on the graph whenever the rule is fired also you will receive an email on the SMTP settings you configured. You can see the spike in the graph where t...
Alerting:将警报规则状态设置为报警 keep Last state:保持当前的警报规则状态。 如果一个不可靠的 time series存储,当查询超时或随机失败时,您可以设置这个选项Keep Last State基本上忽略它们。 Notifications 在警告选项卡中,还可以指定警报规则通知,以及关于警报规则的详细信息。这个消息可以包含任何信息,关于如何解决这个...
Next, let’s configure a Contact Point in Grafana’s Alerting UI to send notifications to our webhook endpoint. Return to Grafana. In Grafana’s sidebar, hover over theAlerting(bell) icon and then clickManage Contact points. Click+ Add contact point. ...
Grafana 使用警報管理程式來傳送觸發和已解決警示的通知。Grafana 有自己的警報管理器,在用戶界面中被稱為「Grafana」,但也支持從其他警報管理器發送通知太多,如 Prometheus 警報管理器。Grafana Alertmanager 會使用通知原則和聯絡方式來設定傳送通知的方式和位置、傳送通知的頻率、以及是否全部都應在相同的通知中傳送、根...
Configure notifications Choose how, when, and where to send your alert notifications. Monitor status Monitor, respond to, and triage issues within your services. Additional configuration Use advanced configuration options to further tailor your alerting setup. These options can enhance security, scalabilit...
grafana的告警通知渠道有很多种,像Email、Teams、钉钉等都有支持。 在grafana.ini中开启告警: ### Alerting ### [alerting] # Disable alerting engine & UI features enabled = true #开启 # Makes it possible to turn off alert rule execution but alerting...
Notifications:配置报警的收件组和详细内容。而报警收件人的配置在专门的Alerting页面上 Alert Rules:已经配置的报警规则,并展示其触发状态。 报警邮件的样式: 模板变量报警 以上的报警配置方式只适合没有变量传入的图表,如果遇到上边提到的选择node,传入变量的图表,就没办法支持了。
grafana的告警通知渠道有很多种,像Email、Teams、钉钉等都有支持。 在grafana.ini中开启告警: ### Alerting ### [alerting] # Disable alerting engine & UI features enabled = true #开启 # Makes it possible to turn off alert rule execution but alerting...