However, now I’m curious that even if the default email template is set to send whatever information/annotations are set in the “Add details for your alert” section, should it not process those variables and send them neatly anyways, rather than needing to go through step 2 and step 3...
vim first_rules.yml [root@DB3 prometheus]# vim first_rules.ymlgroups:- name: simulator-alert-rule #组名称 rules:-alert: HttpSimulatorDown #报警名称,必须唯一expr:sum(up{job="agent_linux"}) ==0 #监控指标表达式,这里是验证 agent_linux 节点是否是可访问的for: 1m #持续时间,1分钟内表达式持续...
Add Panel,添加panel,分为4步. Queries(查询语句)->Visualization(图标模板)->General(修改标题)->Alert(报警). Queries配置. 在Metrics配置中,选择datasource为logservice,输入Query、Y轴和X轴.Query: $hostname| select approx_distinct(remote_addr) as uv ,count(1) as pv , __time__ - __time__ %...
Template notifications: Notification templates format the notification content for a group of alerts. Variables like.Alertsinclude all firing and resolved alerts in the notification. Template annotations Annotationsadd additional information to alert instances and are often used to help identify the alert ...
grafana/grafana main BranchesTags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 55,934 Commits .bingo .changelog-archive .github .husky .vim .vscode .yarn
一个Prometheus 的 pending 和 firing 的告警(详见在运行期间检查警报), 示例为:ALERTS{alertname="<alert name>", alertstate="<pending or firing>", <additional alert labels>} Step 选项对于限制从你的查询中返回的事件数量很有用。 Ad Hoc Filters Variable ...
如果您使用 chat.postMessage Slack API 端點,這是必要的。 表情圖示 提供表情符號作為機器人訊息的圖示。例如:微笑: 圖標網址 提供圖片的 URL,以用作機器人訊息的圖示。 提及使用者 選擇性地在 Grafana 傳送的 Slack 通知中提及一個或多個使用者。若要透過其對應的 Slack ID 查看使用者 (以逗號分隔),請在...
Grafana Alert Module grafana-alerts Collects stats from a grafana server based on information available from the Grafana Dashboards. Then compare those values to an alert table and throws alert emails if the case is needed. Sites Installation package: ...
{{with.Alerts }} There are{{len . }}alert(s){{else}} There are no alerts{{end }} Variables 必须在模板中创建 text/template 的变量。例如,要使用 dot 的当前值创建一个名为$variable的变量,您可以编写以下内容: {{$variable:= . }} Alert 4.4.2 设置图表 五、alertmanager 六、prometheusAlert 七、pushgateway 一、拓扑架构 整体生态有四个组件 exporter 服务,抓取需要的统计数据,并对外提供 http server 来暴露指标 prometheus 服务,在配置文件中配置各 exporter 的地址 和 抓取时间间隔,其会定期通过 http get 请求获取 exporter 的指标,...