Grady Booch:没问题。Rational Software 的 ROSE(即 Rational 面向对象软件工程)是一款个人生产力工具,能够在 IBM PC 上运行。但我猜其最终也被移植到了许多其他设备之上。 它的首个版本运行在 Windows 之下,基本上就是允许用户绘制 UML 图——抱歉,不是 UML 图,而是 Booch 图——旨在推理并批判性地考量整个软...
他在个人兴趣爱好方面有哪些特点? - 布奇的妻子是简·布奇(Jan Booch),他在家庭中保持着专注学习和钻研的特点,对计算机行业展现出极高的热情。 *简介与问答内容由续航AI小助手根据文章内容总结发散,仅供参考,如有冲突请以正文内容为准 【独家稿件声明】本文为美国续航教育(Forward Pathway LLC,官网地址:www.forward...
Grady is also developing a major transmedia documentary for public broadcast on the intersection of computing and the human experience: _Computin_g. Twitter LinkedIn Publications Patents Publications Thinking Fast and Slow in AI G. Booch F. Fabiano et al. 2021 AAAI 2021 MaestROB: A Robotics Fram...
Grady Booch Discusses .NET and the Art of Software Development Grady Booch is recognized internationally for his innovative work on software architecture, modeling, and the software engineering process. He has been with Rational Software Corporation as Chief Scientist since its founding in 1980. Grady ...