Define graduation day. graduation day synonyms, graduation day pronunciation, graduation day translation, English dictionary definition of graduation day. graduation day. Translations. English: graduation day n Tag m der Abschlussfeier. German / Deutsch:
As th e familiar must o f "Pomp an d Circumstance" echo e d in th e background,I look e d aroun d at th e other students in whi t e caps an d gowns as w e solemnly(庄严地) fi l e d into th e auditorium(礼堂). Tears well e d u p uncontrollably in my eyes, an d ...
As th e familiar melody(旋律) of"Pomp an d Circumstance" echoed(回声) in t h e background, I look e d aroun d at th e othe r figures in whit e caps an d gowns as w e seri ously lin e d into th e hall. Tears well e d up un controllably in my eyes, an d I was ...
In recent years, female graduates tend to avoid graduation gowns (礼服) and caps and choose rented wedding dresses.【1】Who below the university level hardly have graduation ceremoniesA.Students from America.B.Students from Sweden.C.Students from China.D.Students from the Britain.【2】In Sweden...
With the warm glow of the setting sun, we watch and cheered as the class of 2016 filled the field with not just their caps and gowns but with their youthful excitement, hope for a bright future and relief their high school responsibilities were behind them. ...
Now, on this sunny graduation day, as I again observed the sea ofblue hats and gowns, I did so with renewed dedication (奉献) and a deeper sense of satisfaction—I will always be grateful that I am a teacher. 1. Hearing his colleague's description of graduation for the first time, th...
As th e familiar must o f "Pomp an d Circumstance" echo e d in th e background, I looke d aroun d at th e other st udents in whit e caps an d gowns as w e solemnly (庄严地)file d into th e auditorium(礼堂). T ears well e d up uncontrollably in my eyes, an d I ...
As th e familiar must o f "Pomp a n d Circumstance" echo e d in th e backgroun d , I look e d aroun d at th e other students i n whit e caps an d gowns as w e solemnly (庄严地 ) fil e d into th e auditorium(礼堂) . T ears well e d up uncontrollably in my eyes...
Actually, wearing those heavy black graduation gowns on a hot June afternoon is ideal preparation for the real world. It gets them used to sweating. ~Robert Orben,2400 Jokes to Brighten Your Speeches, 1984 It takes most men five years to recover from a college education, and to learn that...
Despite months of expectation, nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day. As the familiar melody(旋律) of “Pomp and Circumstance” echoed(回声) in the background, I looked around at the other figures in white caps and gowns as we seriously lined into the hall. Tear...