关于其他类别在英国停留的签证信息,您可以通过以下链接查询:https://www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa 如何申请 您必须在线提交申请,申请链接为:https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa/apply 如果您的伴侣及孩子符合资格,他们也可以申请在英国停留。可以通过以下链接查询您的伴侣及孩子是否符合资格:https://www.gov.uk/gradua...
1.点击官方链接,填写毕业生签证申请表格: (https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa/apply) 2. 回答基本问题。包括你是否会居住在英属领地,护照信息等等。 3. 问题回答完毕之后,会跳转到让你建立新账户的页面。输入BRP卡、邮箱、电话等信息注册...
如果申请中需要任何问题可以通过以下方式得到帮助: 邮箱:visa@we-are-digital.co.uk 电话: 03333 445 675 工作时间星期一至星期五,上午9 点到下午 6 点 提交完申请后,下载手机APP,UK Immigration: ID Check 来扫描提交申请材料。 提交材料之后8周之内就可以知道申请结果。 关于工作签证的常见问题: 1,申请费用:...
申请网页:https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa/apply 1 在申请开始之前,需要登录现有的英国签证和移民局UKVI账户,或创建一个新的账户。 2 账户登陆后,点击 Start now 即可开始申请。 在申请过程当中如果大家对某一环节不清楚,可以将申请的...
The UK Government have said that no changes will be made to the Graduate Route visa. This means, students can continue to apply to stay for two or three years (depending on your course) after graduation. However, the government have said that they will be continue to review the state of...
Do you have questions about applying to and working at EY? From choosing a programme to visa requirements, technical help to joining, you're likely to find the answers here. Find the answer Applications are open Applications to our 2025 opportunities are now open. Search and apply for availabl...
Discover everything you need to know as an international student planning to come to the UK. Whether you're coming for the first time, returning for postgraduate, or are still waiting to make a decision, our guidance below can help you prepare as best yo
您必须在线提交申请,申请链接为:https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa/apply 如果您的伴侣及孩子符合资格,他们也可以申请在英国停留。可以通过以下链接查询您的伴侣及孩子是否符合资格:https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa/your-partner-and-children 何时申请
a 2-year post-study work visa. This gives students more opportunities to find work in the UK ...
1. Are you living in UK now? 2. Why do you apply for NI number? 3. Did you apply for NI number before? 4. What type of your Visa? 5. What is your nationality? 6. Do you have any other nationality? 7. What is your date of birth? 8. Are you single? 9. What’s your ...