Thinking of continuing your studies in a Coles graduate program? Attend a virtual info session for an overview of each opportunity. In this interactive session, you will learn about: The Seven Coles Graduate Degree Programs - plus the Dual Degrees and Concentrations Flexible program options that ar...
project-based-learning journeys of nine graduate sustainability students from three programs: the Master's of Sustainability at Arizona State University, the Master's of Sustainability Science at Leuphana University of Luneburg and the Global Sustainability Science Master's, an ASU and Leuphana ...
Search GraduateGuide for the best Business Graduate Programs by location and degrees offered. Read these important factors in choosing a business school.
At the level of the individual universities, schools, departments, and programs engaged with urban studies and sustainability science will need to break down the proverbial academic silos that hinder the multidisciplinary dialogues everyone endorses but which nevertheless occur all too infrequently. However...
Environmental studies npj Urban Sustainability (npj Urban Sustain)ISSN2661-8001(online) Sign up for theNature Briefingnewsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Email address Sign up I agree my information will be processed in accordance with theNatureand Springer Nature Limite...
(2020) of graduate students in international sustainability programs. Considering the findings from previous studies and the fact that the course applied the recommended project-based approaches (Fadel et al., 2015; Guo et al., 2020), the consistent medium-to-large effects we found must probably...
RIT offers over 80 graduate programs across diverse fields, including Engineering, Computer Science, Business, Health Sciences, Art & Design, and Sustainability. RIT’s strong industry connections mean students also have opportunities to collaborate with top companies throug...
More Programs Program overview Main Subject Sustainable Development Degree MSc Study Level Masters The Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) is a problem-focused and curiosity-driven interdisciplinary research institute and gr...
The Home of Postgraduate Studies Postgrad is the home of all things postgraduate. Explore our directory of postgraduate courses offered by universities across the world, with a range of programs and study types to choose from. Prepare for postgraduate study withadviceacross a huge variety of su...
This means that efforts must be made to make the academic functioning and design of classes in graduate programs more sustainable through these categories [31]. At the same time, education and training work must be based on the concept of sustainability and try to reconcile theory, “teaching”...