Graduate Entry Program 需要两年完成学业,满足雅思各项7.0分可以申请毕业生工作签和独立技术移民。 Conversion Program 时间相对较短,1年即可毕业满足雅思各项7.0可以成为澳洲注册护士,但是无法申请工作签证也难达到60分的技术移民分数。因为移民局规定要满足92周学习周,1年的时间无法完成。 对于国内已经有护士学位成为注册...
McKenna L, Vanderheide R. Graduate entry to practice in nursing: exploring demographic characteristics of commencing students. J Adv Nurs. 2012; 29 (3):49–55.McKenna L, Vanderheide R. Graduate entry to practice in nursing: exploring demographic characteristics of commencing students. 2012....
Master of Nursing (Graduate Entry) 学制:2年 开学时间:1月 校区:黄金海岸/利斯莫尔/考夫斯港 学费:$31,920/年 语言: IELTS 7.0(7.0)/ PTE 65(65) 接受拼分 入学要求: 非护理专业本科及以上学历, GPA5.0+/7.0 申请者需完成解剖学或生理学或相关课程 ...
Program overview Main Subject Nursing Degree MSc Study Level Masters Using your skills from your first degree, you'll be prepared with the essential practical skills and theoretical knowledge to deliver outstanding healthcare to children and their families in a supportive environment. Our MSc-GEN...
Nursing (Graduate Entry) 基本信息 学位类型: 本科 专业简介 护理学学士(本科研究生)为申请者提供了一个途径,任何大学本科学历都可以进入该专业学习。 QUT是昆士兰高等护理教育的第一提供者。我们与工业界的伙伴建立了广泛的合作关系。这确保我们的课程设计是创新的,毕业生有信心和技术技能,并且以积极的态度提供高品...
Nursing (Graduate Entry) 基本信息 学位类型: 本科 专业简介 护理学学士(本科入学)让学生有资格去申请注册护士资格。它为本科是相关专业的学生提供了一个更短时间的学习机会。本课程的重点是探究性学习,批判性思维和反思性实践,关系到健康和健康故障的护理理论和实践。本课程是由新南洲的护士和助产士委员会认证的专...
Graduate Entry Nursing (GEN) programmes have been introduced as another entry point to nurse registration. In the development of a new GEN programme, a problem-based approach to learning was used to develop critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills
The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) tries to offer something for everyone, with a wide range of English language programmes, international foundation programmes, foundation entry degrees, undergraduate degrees and top-up programmes - with more... ...
Graduate Entry Nursing (GEN) programmes have been introduced as another entry point to nurse registration. In the development of a new GEN programme, a problem-based approach to learning was used to develop critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills of motivated and academically capable students...
有申请到或是在读或是毕业的bachelor of nursing(graduate entry)的同学吗? 小小小明 进士 9 打算申请这个专业,不知道这个专业具体情况怎么样 澳洲爱可蒂 贡士 6 有认识在读的,因为原来已经有本科的话,可以抵学分 嘻哈潮人1996 童生 2 同问,这个专业读完可以注册护士吗?我在ahpra没看到这个program,只...