综上所述,gradle-maven-publish-plugin不仅简化了项目的发布流程,还在自动化构建领域发挥了重要作用,是现代软件开发不可或缺的工具之一。 二、插件的安装与配置 2.1 安装前的环境准备 在安装和使用gradle-maven-publish-plugin之前,确保开发环境已经正确配置好相关依赖和工具是非常重要的一步。这不仅能保证后续的安装过...
build.gradle.kts gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat mkdocs.yml renovate.json settings.gradle.kts gradle-maven-publish-plugin Gradle plugin that creates apublishtask to automatically upload all of your Java, Kotlin or Android libraries to any Maven instance. This plugin is based onChris Banes init...
Kotlin Gradle Plugin 2.1.0-Beta1 Configuration cache status Configuration cache is generally supported, except for: Publishing releases to Maven Central (snapshots are fine), blocked byGradle issue #22779. When using Dokka 1.x or Dokka 2.x withoutV2Enabled Configuration 📅Schedule: Branch cr...
gradle-publish-to-MavenLocal.zip Gradle自定义Task,自定义Plugin,发布Artifact,发布到Maven仓库 上传者:u013718730时间:2024-04-27 android-maven-gradle-plugin:弃。 现在由android build插件支持 弃 现在由android build插件支持: : 上传者:weixin_42099755时间:2021-04-01 ...
Gradle Nexus Publish Plugin This Gradle plugin is a turn-key solution for publishing to Nexus. You can use it to publish your artifacts to any Nexus instance (internal or public). It is great for publishing your open source to Sonatype, and then to Maven Central, in a fully automated fash...
我用groovy 编写了一个 Gradle 插件,并使用 Gradle 来构建它。我有一个本地网络 Artifactory 服务器,我使用 Gradle Artifactory 插件和 Gradle 中的 maven-publish 插件将结果发布到该服务器。我有另一个 Gradle 构建脚本,它依赖于这个插件作为依赖项。如果我列出特定版本的依赖项,我就可以让这一切正常工作。我尝试...
id 'maven-publish' } 代码仍然能正常工作,但会出现如下弃用警告: 警告:从 Android Gradle Plugin 8.0 开始,软件组件将不会自动创建用于 Maven 发布。要选择使用未来的行为,请在gradle.properties文件中设置 Gradle 属性android.disableAutomaticComponentCreation=true或使用新的发布 DSL。
Support for the Maven Publish plugin has landed in Android Studio 3.6. The Android Library Plugin now creates an adhoc-component named all and one for every single build variant. These components are the basis for the Gradle publishing publications and p
字符串 这对我很有效。正如其他人提到的,您还可以通过以下方式检查组件名称: