Java 21 and later versions are not yet supported,这里说的意思是不支持的,但下面有个列表:这说明,8.4版本gradle支持java代码的编译,测试,但Support for running Gradle暂时不行。 如果更新到8.4版本? gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=8.4 或者: gradle wrapper --gradle-version 8.4 --distribution-type all ...
See the table below for the Java version supported by a specific Gradle release: 翻译: 执行Gradle 需要 8 到 21 之间的 Java 版本。 尚不支持 Java 22 及更高版本。 Java 6 和 Java 7 可用于编译,但不推荐用于测试。Gradle 9.0 不支持使用 Java 6 和 7 进行测试。 任何完全受支持的 Java 版本都...
java-version:'19' distribution:'temurin' java-version:'21' cache:gradle -name:Setup and execute Gradle 'publish' task uses:gradle/gradle-build-action@v2 Expand Down 6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions6.github/workflows/check-pr.yml
Oh, I saw that before, but didn't remember which version it was. When I looked again recently, the initial formulation fooled me: Java 21 is now supported for compiling, testing, and running such projects. But further down I see you are right: Currently, you cannot run Gradle on Java ...
Let's select the Java option, which is what we need for our project and Gradle since we are creating a Gradle project. IntelliJ IDEA automatically adds a project SDK (JDK) in the JDK field. In our tutorial, we use the open JDK 14 version. You can change the selected JDK, IntelliJ ID...
再次回到报错日志:“The project uses Gradle version which is incompatible with Studio running on Java 10 or newer.” 意思是你工程使用的Gradle版本,与运行在java10以后的Android Studio不兼容。也就是我下载的4.2版本的Android Studio版本太新了,与工程的Gradle版本不兼容。
Plugin [id:'org.springframework.boot', version:'2.1.0.RELEASE'] was not foundinany of the following sources: -Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is notin'org.gradle'namespace) -Plugin Repositories (could not resolve plugin artifact'org.springframework.boot:org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin:2.1....
Let's select the Java option, which is what we need for our project and Gradle since we are creating a Gradle project. IntelliJ IDEA automatically adds a project SDK (JDK) in the JDK field. In our tutorial, we use the open JDK 14 version. You can change the selected JDK, IntelliJ ID...
Step 1 – Install the “Extension Pack for Java” extension. Step 2 – Install the pre-release version of the “Gradle for Java” extension. Step 3 – Open your Gradle project in VS Code.If the project has been opened in VS Code before, open the command palette (F1) and execute the...
技术标签: Android studio java version Android Studio 移动开发 Bug修复 王睿丶文章目录 一丶问题: 二丶分析原因: 三丶解决: 方法一(2步): 方法二(5步): 一丶问题: 二丶分析原因: 因为 Gradle版本与jdk版本对应不上,所以导致了项目出现Bug,这个时候有两种解决方式: (1)降级jdk (2)升级Gradle 这里我们...