sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11 } kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = '11' } 这样再运行就可以啦 不过,运行 flutter doctor -v 显示的还是通过 1.8 编译,这个我也不知道怎么回事 反正通过这样修改就可以正常跑Android 虚拟机了 对了,除了上面修改,还有就是网上找的...
最近使用Flutter开发应用,突然碰到一个奇怪的问题,昨天还能正常运行,但是第二天早上打开VS,运行却出现了gradle build version Minimum supported Gradle version is 5.6.4. Current version is 5.6.2,这个错误,起初按照错误提示,修改了app的gradle版本,Your application path/gradle/gradle-wrapper.properties中的distributio...
在Flutter项目中遇到“your project's gradle version is incompatible with the java version”错误时,通常是因为项目中使用的Gradle版本与Java版本不兼容。为了解决这个问题,可以按照以下步骤进行: 确认项目的Gradle版本: 项目的Gradle版本通常在gradle-wrapper.properties文件中指定。你可以在该文件中找到distributionUrl属...
implementation("androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appcompat_version") // For loading and tinting drawables on older versions of the platform implementation("androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources:$appcompat_version") } 7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion 7 HybridFlutter/android/app/src/main/AndroidMa...
But I think it is reasonable for us to print a warning that says (with better phrasing) "you are using a newer version of Java than the newest version that Gradle supported at the time of last stable cut, and we can't confirm thats safe to use". It's basically just a flutter docto...
> Minimum supported Gradle version is 6.1.1. Current version is 5.6.2. If using the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrlin/Users/wuxiaolong/AndroidStudioProjects/flutter_andblog/android/gradle/wrapper/ to ...
│ [!] Your project requires a newer version of the Kotlin Gradle plugin. │ │ Find the latest version on, then update D:\LaptopBackup\Project\Flutter\e_shop\android\build.gradle: │ ...
flutter config--jdk-dir"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-19" 按照提示使用flutter config配置一下 --jdk-dir就可以了 更多关于Flutter 3.24.2 新建项目提示 The configured version of Java detected may conflict with the Gradle version的实战系列教程也可以访问
2.变更了Gradle Version 比如从5.4.1换成了5.6.2,由于网络问题下载速度可能不会那么快,所以导致了一直卡在此处。 解决方案 1.删除根目录级的build文件夹: 2.下载离线Gradle版本 下载后解压到/.gradle/wrapper/dists/目录下(比如:C:\Users\Administrator.gradle\wrapper\dists),并且在工程的android/gradle/wrapper...
将'***'更改为 ''...