1.首先找到你的maven仓库,并复制地址,笔者的仓库地址为"E:\my_java\maven_repository"。 2.计算机 -> 属性 -> 高级系统设置 -> 环境变量,进入环境变量配置页面,新建记录名GRADLE_USER_HOME,记录值为你的本地Maven仓库地址: 环境变量配置 3.在配置文件中的repositories下添加mavenLocal(): ...
reimport包的时候,所有依赖的包都下载到了 本地仓库D:/maven,但是install parent-bom的时候发现发布到的本地目录为:C:\Users\xxxx.m2\repository。gradle bulid的时候找的还是D:/maven目录自然无法找到install到本地的parent-bom问题分析参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32107205/gradle-does-not-use-the-...
-- localRepository | The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts. | | Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository <localRepository>/path/to/local/repo</localRepository> --> 修改后: <localRepository>D:/Maven/.m2/repo</localRepository> 这样就将下载的包下到D盘下的.m2中。
| The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts. | | Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository <localRepository>/path/to/local/repo</localRepository>--> 修改后: <localRepository>D:/Maven/.m2/repo</localRepository> 这样就将下载的包下到D盘下的.m2中。 这里在补充一个很好...
preference->Gradle->Use local gradle distribution Gradle home 填写Gradle本地下载地址。 同样需要指定gradle插件版本与本地选择版本对应。 Gradle相关配置 这几天采坑,搜帖子发现很多博客都是为了解决问题而解决问题,有些选项不了解什么意思就敢点(我也点了)。不了解原理和报错原因,就开始动手会把问题复杂化。
2)工程路径下,找到gradle-wrapper.properties文件,将gradle修改为对应版本,并将distributionUrl换成本地的路径,如:distributionUrl=file:///D:/android-studio/gradle/gradle-x.x-all.zip; 3)在软件中,File->setting->Bulid->Gradle,勾选Use local gradle distribution,路径为android studio安装路径下刚刚解压的gradle...
5- In Android Studio go to File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Gradle > Use local gradle distribution > then choose the file (that you just download and unzip it) from your computer 6- Click Ok 7- Inside "build.gradle(Module:app)" make sure that compileSdkVersion and...
You can use the SpotBugs plugin. Try my snippet of gradle file buildscript { ext { SampleProjectVersion = '1.3.4' } repositories { mavenLocal() maven { url1 } } dependencies { classpath(sample lib 1) classpath(sample lib 2) classpath "gradle.plugin.com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-gradle-...
Start a local instance of IQ Server, or get the URL and credentials of a remote one. Configure IQ Server settings inside thenexusIQScanconfiguration on the filebuild.gradlee.g. Groovy: nexusIQScan { username = 'admin' // Make sure to use an user with the role 'Application Evaluator' in...
marketplace()- use Maven repository with plugins listed inJetBrains Marketplace maven(repositoryUrl)- use custom Maven repository with plugins maven { repositoryUrl }- use custom Maven repository with plugins where you can configure additional parameters (credentials, authentication, etc.) ...