Shadow: 1.2.4 Gradle: 2.5 From what I understand compile project(path: ':common', configuration: 'shadow') should result in the shaded artifact being selected as a dependency. This appears to work, however, IntelliJ IDEA will not resolve...
val loadClass = pluginClassLoader.loadClass(activityName) loadClass.getMethod("test",null).invoke(loadClass) 1. 2. 我们称这个过程叫做 ClassLoader 注入。完成注入后,所有来自宿主的类使用宿主的 ClassLoader 进行加载,所有来自插件 Apk 的类使用插件 ClassLoader 进行加载,而由于 ClassLoader 的双亲委派机制...
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("GradleResolver")def resolverType: ResolverType.Gradle = gradleTpeimplicit val tryMergeGradleLock: TryMerge[GradleLockDependency] = @@ -104,8 +107,8 @@ class GradleResolver(private def cleanUpMap(...
The property will be * cleared when native support has been unloaded (i.e. the Native class and * its underlying native support has been GC'd). * NOTE: all native functions are provided within this class to ensure that * all other JNA-provided classes and objects are GC'd and/or *...
This occurs when your project adds another gradle plugin to yourbuildscript classpaththat itself has a dependency on a different version of theOkio library. To resolve this issue (and any similar version mismatches), you should follow Gradle’s guide onaltering the versions of transitive dependencie...
val idToPomFile = pomQuery.execute() { to getFile(it, }.toMap() // Create map from component id to location of sample sources file. val idToSampleLocation: Map<String, File?> = ...
.ClassUtils; import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils; import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils; import org.springframework.util.PatternMatchUtils; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.springframework.util.xml.DomUtils; /** * S...
{overridefunexecute(t:MultipleCandidatesDetails<KotlinPlatformType>) { t.closestMatch(KotlinPlatformType.jvm) } }valatomicFuAttr:Attribute<KotlinPlatformType>=KotlinPlatformType.attribute dependencies.attributesSchema { attribute(atomicFuAttr) { disambiguationRules.add(KotlinPlatformTypeCompatibility::class) } ...
allprojects {//some configuration of plugins.withId, tasks, other stuff} tasks {valcopyBunchOfStuff by creating(Copy::class) { from(tasks.findByPath(":code:in:sub:assembleTar")) { rename {"renamed-assembly.tar.gz"} } } } Getting rid of thetasks.findByPathseems to get around the clas...
Do NOT force the class loader to unload the native library, since that introduces issues with cleaning up any extant JNA bits (e.g. Memory) which may still need use of the library before shutdown. */ private static boolean deleteNativeLibrary(String path) { File flib = new File(path);...