Error:(250,1)Execution failedfortask':app:processMarketDebugManifest'.No signature of method:java.lang.String.getText()isapplicableforargument types:(java.lang.String)values:[UTF-8]Possible solutions:getAt(java.lang.String),getAt(groovy.lang.IntRange),getAt(groovy.lang.Range),getAt(int),getAt...
概述 之前分析了从执行gradlew assemble命令开始,gradle是如何一步步执行起来的,上文说到最后会执行this.executer.execute方法,这一篇我就从这里开始继续往下走,顺便看一下this.executer的创造方法。 在追溯this.executer是什么的过程中发现了一种很巧妙的构造模式,因为它是提供某种类型实例的创建,所以我把它叫做工厂模式...
all { // Sets JVM argument(s) for the test JVM(s). jvmArgs '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m' // You can also check the task name to apply options to only the tests you specify. if (it.name == 'testDebugUnitTest') { systemProperty 'debug', 'true' } } } } } 优化您的构建 本部分将介...
SkipTaskWithNoActionsExecuter.execute // 跳过没有 action 的 task,没有 action 说明 task 不需要执行 ResolveTaskArtifactStateTaskExecuter.execute // 设置 artifact 状态 SkipEmptySourceFilesTaskExecuter.execute // 跳过设置了 source file 但是 source file 为空的 task,source file 为空说明 task 没有需要处...
I have a Spring application with Gradle and I run/debug it with bootRun task. This looks for the class with main method. But sometimes I have to pass an argument for it, through main(String[] args). How can I do it from Run/Debug dialog? I tried VM options and Arguments, but whe...
> Configure project : Using Gradle Vaadin Flow Plugin 1.0.0-RC4 vaadin.version is not set, falling back to latest Vaadin version Allow Vaadin to gather usage statistics by setting vaadin.submitStatistics=true (hide this message by setting it to false) > Task :vaadinConvertStyleCssToHtml UP-TO...
Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {{ message }} CN-ARC / Mindustry-CN-ARC Public forked from Anuken/Mindustry Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 9 Star 92 ...
tasks by passing a "-PmainClass=<QUALIFIED_CLASS_NAME>" argument./// Note however, that you may define your own "run" and "debug" task if you// prefer. In this case NetBeans will not add these tasks but you may rely on// your own implementation.if(!hasProperty('mainClass')) {...