mavenRepo name: reponame', url: "" //指定库 maven { // Look for POMs and artifacts, such as JARs, here url "" // Look for artifacts here if not found at the above location artifactUrls "
} The location for the repository is determined as follows (in order of precedence): The value of system property 'maven.repo.local' if set; The value of element <localRepository> of ~/.m2/settings.xml if this file exists and element is set; The value of element <localRepository> of $...
aar android apache api application arm assets build build-system bundle client clojure cloud config cran data database eclipse example extension framework github gradle groovy ios javascript kotlin library logging maven mobile module npm osgi persistence plugin resources rlang sdk server service spring sql...
plugins{id'org.springframework.boot'version'2.7.16'id'io.spring.dependency-management'version'1.1.4'id'java'}group='ltd.cmyr'version='0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'description='Demo project for Spring Boot'java{sourceCompatibility=JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8}repositories{maven{url'
mavenDeployer { repository(url: "mavenUrl") pom.version = '0.0.1' pom.artifactId = 'myplugin' } } } 运行./gradlew uploadArchives 就可以了 8.6 调试插件 那么开发插件的时候如何调试呢? 1.首先在 as 中新增一个 remote 配置 2.之后在执行 task 的时候增加下面的参数 ...
Ant,Maven,Gradle 简单比较 Ant 是我们过去构建系统基本都会用到的,xml 脚本文件中包括若干 task 任务,任务之间可以互相依赖,对于一个大的项目来说,这些 XML 文件维护起来的确不是一件容易的事情,还有那些项目依赖的而没有版本号的 jar 包,有时真的让人头疼,后来 Maven 出现了,基于中央仓库的编译相对于...
repository(url: uri('../repo')) //定义本地maven仓库的地址 } } } apkname.properties为 代码语言:txt 复制 implementation-class=com.ding.demo.ApkChangeNamePlugin ApkChangeNamePlugin 代码语言:txt 复制 package com.ding.demo import org.gradle.api.Project ...
A set of Gradle plug-ins that greatly simplify project management / 一套极大简化项目管理的Gradle插件集 Last Release on Aug 24, 2024 2.FreeFair Android Gradle Plugins16usages io.freefair.gradle»android-gradle-pluginsMIT FreeFair Android Gradle Plugins ...
.SunflowerMain'// 定义项目使用的编码compileJava.options.encoding='UTF-8'// 定义项目需要的依赖,初始的时候为空dependencies{}// 定义去下载依赖的仓库repositories{mavenLocal()maven{url''}maven{url''}mavenCentral(...
(1)打包到本地Maven仓库 在我们自定义Module目录下的build.gradle添加如下代码: uploadArchives { repositories { mavenDeployer { pom.groupId = 'com.davisplugins' pom.artifactId = 'davis' pom.version = 1.0 // maven本地仓库的目录 repository(url: uri('../DavisPlugin')) ...