•Help community Gradle plugins adopt the configuration cache #13490 - Gradle Github Issues[4]•Gradle Properties Change - Android Gradle Plugin 4.2 Release Note[5]•Gradle Configuration Cache Support - Kotlin Doc[6] 而作为插件开发者,则还要关心 Configuration Cache 的适配工作。其重点在于:Task ...
通过--priority low 命令参数或者 org.gradle.priority=low 属性设置可以让你的 Gradle 以一个低优先级的进程启动,至于好处嘛,当然是你一边在 building 的时候,一边听音乐的时候,再也不会感觉一卡一卡的了 JaCoCo plugin now works with the build cache and parallel test execution 简单看了下介绍,可以帮助你查...
需要翻.墙: Android Plugin for Gradle Release Notes
The Android Studio build system is based on Gradle, and the Android plugin for Gradle adds several features that are specific to building Android apps. Although the Android plugin is typically updated in lock-step with Android Studio, the plugin (and the rest of the Gradle system) can run in...
修改gradle-wrapper.properties中distributionUrl上的版本号与当前Gradle版本号一致(如修改distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-3.2-all.zip为distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-3.3-all.zip); 重新同步。 拓展阅读 Android Plugin for Gradle Release Notes...
上图是官网Android Plugin for Gradle Release Notes给出的。 4. Gradle 4.1 概述 Gradle中的所有内容都基于两个基本概念:project和task Project 这个接口是build file与Gradle交互的主要API。 通过Project接口可以访问所有Gradle的功能。 Project的生命周期
ProGuard从Gradle plugin for ProGuard 4.10开始支持的(since Gradle plugin 0.4)。如果构建类型的minifyEnabled属性被设置为true,那么Progruard插件会自动被添加进来,对应的任务也自动被创建。 Note:从Gradle插件版本0.14.0开始BuildType.runProguard更改为minifyEnabled属性。具体请参考Release notes ...
Finally, this release introduces a public type that represents lazily-evaluated properties (akaConventionMapping). This is one of the most-requested features by plugin authors. You can learn more aboutPropertyStatesin the full release notes. A good example of their usage can be found in thegradl...
Finally, this release introduces a public type that represents lazily-evaluated properties (akaConventionMapping). This is one of the most-requested features by plugin authors. You can learn more aboutPropertyStatesin the full release notes. A good example of their usage can be found in thegradl...
we strongly recommend that you update the Android Gradle plugin to version 2.3.3 and Gradle to version 3.3. 您可以从发布说明中了解到这个插件的更多信息。 You can learn more about this version of the plugin from therelease notes. 改进improvement ...