运行dependencyInsight任务可以查看与指定输入匹配的特定依赖关系(或依赖关系)的详细信息: $ gradle dependencyInsight --dependency [...] --configuration [...] --configuration参数将报告限制为特定配置,例如compileClasspath。 列出项目属性 运行properties任务可以列出所选项目的属性列表: $ gradle -q api:properties ...
That was the root cause: The synced settings somehow caused my "didn't find any import from a Gradle dependency" problem! So I deleted my IntelliJ folder in my macOS "Library" folder and started fresh as a new 2022.3 installation once ...
// 获取项目的名称defprojectName=project.name// 设置项目的组project.group='com.example'// 配置项目的依赖项dependencies{implementation'com.example:library:1.0'testImplementation'junit:junit:4.12'}// 创建并配置一个任务taskmyTask{doLast{println"Hello, World!"}}// 获取该项目及其子项目的集合defallProje...
[incubating] --write-locks Persists dependency resolution for locked configurations, ignoring existing locking information if it exists [incubating] -x, --exclude-task Specify a task to be excluded from execution. 直接gradle 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ gradle === Elasticsearch Build Hamster says Hello...
Find a sample application as the app-desktop module. It showcases the usage to manually generate the dependency meta information and include as part of the SCM. Generate Dependency Information ./gradlew :app-desktop:exportLibraryDefinitions -PaboutLibraries.exportPath=src/main/resources/ # Filter ...
since they have not yet been evaluated at the time the closure is run. If you run the example with and without thegrammardirectory in all three project directories, you’ll find that the parent project never gains thetestGrammarstask, since thebeforeEvaluatehook can’t run on the project in...
apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/publish-maven.gradle" def scopeAttribute = Attribute.of('dependency.scope', String) configurations { provided { attributes { attribute(scopeAttribute, 'provided') } } [compileClasspath, testCompileClasspath, testRuntimeClasspath].each { it.extendsFrom...
Current Behavior Currently I'm finding that if I declare a dependency (with attributes) on a project that declares no variants, then the error message from Gradle says: > Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':subpro...
and remote. The first is placed on the machine where the build is executed, and the other two are obtained remotely with the help of HTTP. Maven concentrates first on the local repository for a jar search. If it is unable to find it, it will look for it remotely and download it to ...
Unable to find method 'org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ComponentSelectionReason.getDescription()Ljava/lang/String;'. Possible causes for this unexpected error include: Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.) ...