cpp library variant task graph 根据链接方式属性的不同:compileVariantCpp(例如compileDebugCpp和compile...
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native-samples-cpp-library A C++ library referenced by the Gradle C++ source dependencies samples. About A C++ library referenced by the Gradle C++ source dependencies samples Topics gradle-bt gradle-bt-unassigned Resources Readme Code of conduct Code of conduct Security policy Security policy ...
向项目中添加 Objective-C 源代码编译功能。 objective-cpp - - 向项目中添加 Objective-C++ 源代码编译功能。 windows-resources - - 添加对在本地bin文件中包含 Windows 资源的支持。集成插件以下这些插件提供了一些与各种运行时技术的集成。集成插件插件
可以看作是基于 java、groovy、kotlin 等语言的一个三方库或者一个框架。因为在日常使用中,我们主要是编写 gradle 脚本,gradle 脚本又主要是定义任务(Task)、实现插件(Plugin)、编写 build 配置(Configuration)。 Gradle 的两个特点其实并不冲突。相反,是有紧密联系的。首先 Gradle 可以看作工具,是因为 Gradle 提供...
2: cpp-application 3: cpp-library 4: groovy-application 5: groovy-library 6: java-application 7: java-library 8: kotlin-application 9: kotlin-library 10: scala-library Enter selection (default: basic) [1..10] 6 Select build script DSL: ...
Gradle is a build automation system that provides plugins to build C/C++ libraries and applications. In CLion, you can work with Gradle projects that are based oncpp-applicationandcpp-libraryplugins (for more details on C/C++ Gradle plugins, see this blog post:Introducing the new C++ plugins)...
Select type of project to generate:1:basic2:cpp-application3:cpp-library4:groovy-application5:groovy-library6:java-application7:java-library8:kotlin-application9:kotlin-library10:scala-libraryEnter selection(default:basic)[1..10] 创建一个java程序,选择6 ...
我们需要使用Gradle的cpp-library和cpp-application插件指定一个定制的GCC/G++编译器位置。C++插件将发现GCC或Clang使用系统路径。 在PATH环境变量前面加上到所需的g++的路径,似乎不会被Gradle选中。你怎么才能从一个自定义的路径中引导Gradle得到GCC/G++呢?
A C++ library referenced by the Gradle C++ source dependencies samples - gradle/native-samples-cpp-library