-t, --continuous Enables continuous build. Gradle does not exit and will re-execute tasks when task file inputs change. --update-locks Perform a partial update of the dependency lock, letting passed in module notations change version. [incubating] -v, --version Print version info. -w, --...
在项目开发中,会有很多第三方依赖,通过 gradle 引入进来的。比如 androidxDesignVersion、androidxSupportVersion、 rxjava2Version、 okhttpVersion 等第三方库。有时候第三方库改到了或者升级了,我们并不能及时发现,往往需要等到出问题的时候,去排查的时候,才发现是某个依赖版本改动导致的。 这时候其实是有点晚了,...
Error:Could not determine java version from '10.0.2'. 因为之前我使用的是gradle4.4(gradle-wrapper.properties中设置的)+jdk10,考虑到降版本我就把gradle4.4换成了gradle3.3,而JDK10这样的高版本需要4.3以后的Gradle版本,所以此时需要降低jdk版本,我又用了原来的jdk1.8,这个问题算是解决了。 Warning:WARNING: De...
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 app/src/main/java/com/hippo/ehviewer/ui/EhPreferenceActivity.java Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { // getWindow().setNavigationBarColor(AttrResou...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change Expand Up@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ext { //java 版本 javaVersion:JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8, //Kotlin 版本 kotlin_version:'1.4.0', kotlin_version:'1.4.10', //=== //= Dev Lib...
apply plugin:'java'version=1.0taskmyZip(type:Zip){from'src/main‘ into ‘build’//保存到build目录中baseName='myGame'}println myZip.archiveName 执行命令gradle -q myZip,输出结果为: gradle -q myZip myGame-1.0.zip 最后,我们可以使用 Project.zipTree(java.lang.Object)和 Project.tarTree(java.lang....
When you change theorg.gradle.java.homeproperty, Gradle will use the specified Java home directory for compiling and running your project. It is important to ensure that the specified Java version is compatible with your project’s codebase. If there are any incompatible dependencies or language ...
Name the new project and change its location if necessary. Select theCreate Git repositoryto place the new project under version control. You will be able to do it later at any time. note The.gitignorefile is generated in any case. ...
Java 17 (major version 61) 编译的 class 文件,如果在 Java 16 及以下环境下运行,就会报错 Unsupported class file major version 61 解决方法 修改Gradle 中的 JDK 配置,从 17 降级到 11。 操作方法:File - Settings - Build, Execution, Deployment - Build Tools - Gradle ...