why is it searching for "git"? OhadR changed the titleCannot run program "git" (in directory "C:\..."): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find t e file specifiedCannot run program "git" (in directory "C:\..."): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file spec...
...5、构建后 (待研究) 这样子就可以开始构建了,点击立即构建,构建完成时显示蓝色就是构建成功,红色就是构建失败了 构建完成后的apk文件通常放在仓库目录的build/outputs目录下...,其实可以用命令在构建完成后拷出去,这个自行脑补吧 五、jenkins加SDK的各种坑 1、构建时提示 Cannot run program "gradle" (i...
(":deployment:installDist") installDist.dependsOn decryptTask installDist.mustRunAfter(decryptTask) } catch (Exception ex) { println("Failed to add decryptFiles task dependency: " + ex) } } } else { // Remove git hook try { Files.delete(Paths.get(rootProject.projectDir.path, ".git/hooks...
org.gradle.java.home=D:\\Program Files\\Java\\TencentKona-11.0.16.b2 环境变量设置: task bootRunProd {dependsOn 'clean'group = "application"description = "Runs the Spring Boot application with the prod profile"doFirst {tasks.bootRun.configure {System.setProperty("spring.active", "prod");Syst...
**/TEST-*.xml.#testRunTitle: # string. Optional. Use when publishJUnitResults = true. Test run title.# Code Coverage#codeCoverageToolOption: 'None' # 'None' | 'Cobertura' | 'JaCoCo'. Alias: codeCoverageTool. Code coverage tool. Default: None.codeCoverageClassFilesDirectories:'build/classe...
After creating a new project and adding a .json file directly into the vendordeps folder, the following exception is thrown: Access is allowed from event dispatch thread with IW lock only.com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments: EventQueue.isDispatchThread()=false Toolkit.get...
runtimeOnlyproject(':greeter.provider') } application { mainClassName ="greeter.startscripts/startscripts.MainDemo"applicationName ="demo"applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ["-Xmx128m"] }taskrunDemo1(type: ModularJavaExec) {group="Demo"description="Run the Demo1 program"main ="greeter.startscripts/star...
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program"cmd.exe"(indirectory"C:\Workspace\SSD\build.gradle"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source) at hudson.Proc$LocalProc.<init>(Proc.java:245) ...
Steps to reproduce When I try to run the app on the emulator it doesn't work. I deleted gradle. and re-downloaded it using the flutter run --verbose command, but to no avail Actual results Launching lib\main.dart on sdk gphone x86 64 in ...