解决refreshing gradle project 和Building gradle project info 一直卡住\速 显然已经了。下面我提供两种方法。 主要有两种,一是直接下载gradle离线包,二是使用AS自带的Gradle第一种:手动下载gradle压缩包 选中 use defaultgradlewrapper,会自动下载所需版本的gradle,由于速度较慢,所以我们可以手动下载,然后放在正确的路径...
背景 我们的工程结构是单仓,然后通过gradle提供的复合构建(ComposeBuilding)的机制来完成整个单仓模式的。 单仓就是指所有的代码都在一个仓库内编译,能保证这部分代码的稳定性,尤其是编译产物其实并不是特别可以值得信任的 之前也简单的介绍过复合构建(composebuilding),这个东西虽然好,但是天然具有一个问题,主工程的...
重启解决80%的问题,Ctrl+D终止掉,然后重新执行就...好了。 6.OFBiz的Banner都打印出来,但卡在Building 91%不动 不用管它,反正这时候项目已经成功运行了,而且访问OFBiz开发者文档中给的诸如https://localhost:8443/ordermgr/control/main等几个地址都没问题。 7.账号密码是啥 文档中有的,第三个网址也有写。默...
The issue seems to happen when parallel sync is used and there are multiple requests for the variant dependencies model in a single Gradle subproject. Typically, when Gradle sync runs, we use single variant sync and every Gradle subproject builds only a single instance of VariantDependencie model ...
二、环境配置 1、Gradle 首先确认 Gradle 版本,打开 build.gradle 文件,发现 gradleVersion = "4.8.1"。...将 config 目录下的 log4j.properties 文件拷贝到 core/src/main/resources 目录下。...解决办法:在 build.gradle 文件中添加相关依赖(大约在594行): project(':core') { println "Building ...
Check issues metadata Force parallel project configuration before model building #4588 Sign in to view logs Summary Jobs check_issue_metadata Run details Usage Workflow file Triggered via issue September 24, 2024 21:49 bamboo closed #30206 02a89f9 Status Success ...
# This can really make a significant difference if you are building a very complex project with many sub-module dependencies: #sub-moudle并行构建 org.gradle.parallel=true #后台进程构建 org.gradle.daemon=true #私有maven仓库地址 MAVEN_URL= http://xxx.xx.1.147:8081/nexus/content/repositories/third...
Building a VST plugin on Mac OS X without Xcode How do I build a VST plugin on Mac without using Xcode? (I'm using Code::Blocks). If you really insist on bypassing Xcode, you should just go ahead and use 'make', which probably will prove to be just... ...
gradle.properties(全局配置文件)# This can really make a significant difference if you are building a very complex project with many sub-module dependencies: #sub-module并行构建 org.gradle.parallel=true #后台进程构建 org.gradle.daemon=true #私有maven仓库地址 MAVEN_URL= http://xxx.xx.1.147:8081...
# This can really make a significant difference if you are building a very complex project with many sub-module dependencies: #sub-moudle并行构建 org.gradle.parallel=true #后台进程构建 org.gradle.daemon=true #私有maven仓库地址 MAVEN_URL= http://xxx.xx.1.147:8081/nexus/content/repositories/third...