Gradient-based attacksBackward pass differentiable approximationProjected gradient descentFast-gradient-sign methodThe exponential growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has led to an escalation in the number of possible points of attack, making IoT networks vulnerable to a diverse range of threats....
Decoupling Direction and Norm for Efficient Gradient-Based Adversarial Attacks and Defenses 说在前面 1.提出的问题 2.提出的方法 2.1 相关工作 2.2 算法介绍 3.实验结果 3.1 Untargeted Attack 3.2 Targeted Attack 3.3 Defense Evaluation 4.结论 Decoupling Direction and Norm for Efficient Gradient-Based L2 Ad...
(Pathak, Lu, Hunt, Girvan, & Ott, 2017), for implementing reservoir based observers for spatio temporal complex systems (Lu et al., 2017, Zimmermann and Parlitz, 2018), for detection of smart grid attacks (Hamedani, Liu, Atat, Wu, & Yi, 2018) and for digit recognition (Jalalvand, ...
Through integration with data augmentation techniques such as DIM, TIM, and SIM, NA-FGTM can further improve the efficacy of black-box attacks. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of black-box attack ...
When the wolf pack attacks, the prey naturally attempts to escape from this threatening situation. Different situations occur, according to the current state of the chasing, but one of the most dangerous situations for the prey is that of encirclement. To escape from this situation, the prey pe...
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大模型(LLM)最新论文摘要 | Why do universal adversarial attacks work on large language models?: Geometry might be the answer Authors: Varshini Subhash, Anna Bialas, Weiwei Pan, Finale Doshi-Velez Transformer based large language models with emergent capabilities are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in ...
As adversarial attacks pose a serious threat to the security of AI system in practice, such attacks have been extensively studied in the context of computer vision applications. However, few attentions have been paid to the adversarial research on automatic path finding. In this paper, we show ...
Particularly, the number of vulnerable or unprotected IoT devices has drastically increased, along with the amount of suspicious activity, such as IoT botnet and large-scale cyber-attacks. In order to address this security issue, researchers have deployed machine and deep learning methods to detect ...
et al. Security constrained unit commitment in smart energy systems: A flexibility-driven approach considering false data injection attacks in electric vehicle parking lots. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2024. DOI:10.1016/j.ijepes.2024.110180 12. Rahman, R.T.A., La...