Mix Tailwind CSS Colors and generate stunning text and background gradients or use our ready-made gradients to create remarkable designs.Generate Create Your Gradient Choose if you are looking for text or background gradients. Background Text Choose Colors Pick colors from the Tailwind CSS Palett...
typescriptreact-nativeexpotailwindcssreact-native-reanimatedexpo-avexpo-linear-gradientexpo-linkingexpo-routerexpo-system-ui UpdatedAug 5, 2024 TypeScript beatriz-dadalto/reactNative-app-encurtadorDeLinks Star1 Code Issues Pull requests 🌝 Gerar links encurtados; Salva automaticamente o link; Deleta ...
O Generator Key é uma aplicação que permite a criação de senhas seguras para ser utilizadas em outros aplicativos react-nativereact-navigationrealmnative-baseexpoexpo-linear-gradientexpo-fontexpo-status-barexpo-clipboardexpo-bare-workflowexpo-splash-screen ...
Built with React Native and leveraging the power of Expo and various libraries, Serenity offers a seamless and immersive meditation experience for both iOS and Android users. typescript react-native expo tailwindcss react-native-reanimated expo-av expo-linear-gradient expo-linking expo-router expo-...