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When lesson observation was completed, 32 English teachers took knowledge assessment test, of which two test papers were discarded for incomplete response. After knowledge test was administered, two English teachers of two randomly selected schools were interviewed by using a seven items semi-structured...
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Facilitator's Guide: Grade 8 Connecting Students to their Futures INTRODUCTORY LETTER Dear Teaching Partners, You hold in your hands the result of more than four years of research, writing, field testing, and revision. Thanks are due to our many collaborators, including facilitators working in ...
” The revision process for students in the control group involved reviewing the paper for clarity and ensuring the grammar and mechanics of writing were completed accordingly. Most students explained that the teacher was responsible for showing them where their mistakes were and how to correct the ...
“In a country which is obviously poor in spite of its present extraordinary industrial development, we fix something which is capable of change and revision, and keep the child in one primary grade for 2, 3 or more years or even turn him out of school before he has learnt the least it...