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Importance of mathematics in technological development of any nation requires that more attention be given to students with consistent failure in the subject. This study established the effectiveness of an after school programme among low learners in mathematics. Preand post-test, control group quasi-...
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This study aims to investigate the effect of chatbots that work with artificial intelligence on the success of students and their opinions about chatbots i
This paper represents standardization of teaching mathematics to the first grade of general programme secondary school. Standards are classified into three levels: sufficient, middle and high level. Sufficient standard represents the lowest level of students' achievements. That...
(see Krapp and Prenzel2011) as well as the frequency of the activity. Thus, compared to the “task value” considered by Eccles and Wigfield (2002), the “cost” variable (opportunity costs) was missing. It may be connected with the frequency of activity, however. The factor “...
The purpose of the study was to explore Grade eight and nine teachers' attitudes towards teaching Mathematics after they had spent two years attending the 1 + 4 Mathematics Teaching Intervention Programme. The sample for the study consisted of 82 teachers who were purposefully sampled due to their...
doi:10.9790/3021-04134147Sibanda PatrickSibanda, P., 2014. Effectiveness of the early childhood development programme on grade one performance in mathematics and English language in Mzilikazi district (Bulawayo). IOSR J. Eng., 4(1), 41-47....