Four-digits by a one-digit multiplication Two-digit by two-digit multiplication Familiarity with factors and multiples Represent and solve problems involving multiplication Visit Multiplication Games for 4th Graders to explore a variety of fun educational activities and master multiplication effortlessly. Div...
Repurpose a Connect Four set to play fraction games! The goal is to match not only your colors but the fractions themselves. For instance, you need four one-fourths in a row but only three one-thirds, so there’s strategy involved too. Learn more:No Time for Flash Cards 22. Draw fract...
First, let kids see perimeter as the sum of all four sides but a faster way is to double the sum of the length and width. Hence the formula as P = 2 × (l + w). Now let kids use the formula 2 × (l + w) to solve for perimeter and to find an unknown side length. Kids ...
P5【005】four square vocabulary cards_ providing a rich context for new words 02:51 P6【006】miss nelson is missing!_ read-aloud activities to build vocabulary and comp 02:42 P7【007】dramatic vocabulary_ introducing action words 01:43 P8【008】exploring compound words_ improving vocabulary know...
Add numbers up to four digitsAXT Add numbers up to four digits: word problems2ZU Addition: fill in the missing digitsYKM Properties of additionVW6 Addition patterns over increasing place values4W5 Choose numbers with a particular sumU8Y Estimate sumsY5K Estimate sums: word problemsMA5 C.Subtrac...
Explore thousands of adaptive games and worksheets for 4th Grade. Aligned to every concept a student learns in 4th Grade math. Explore 4th Grade online math content here.
Four Wheel Fracas Make 15 Bridges Twisting Cube Five Dice Christmas Tree Light Up Field Separation Free Kick Star and Coins Heroic Ants Rolling Cube War Ship Tower Blocks Adding Numbers Fox and Hounds Join the Numbers Videos Prime Factorization of a Whole Number Video ...
4th Grade Math Common Core Test Prep 4th Grade test preparation worksheets and quizzes 4th Grade Word Problems with Grid Ins Common Core 4th Grade Language Arts Skills Practice Addition Worksheets for Fourth Grade Addition worksheets Three Digit Addition worksheets Four Digit Addition worksheets ...
Grade Four Math Games Grade Five Math Games Grade Six Math Games Grade Seven Math Games Another worksheet for practicing counting and reading numbers. This time, the child must match the printed number against the box with the correct number of circles.Try it!Good for grades kindy ...
What if it had four? 18. Dissecting squares – mixed Type: Reasoning, Problem Solving What’s the smallest number of straight lines you could draw on this grid such that each square has a line going through it? Answer: 2 e.g. 19. Make it right – mixed Type: Pythagorean theorem This...