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Teacher talk provides the medium for teaching and learning. However, there has been little emphasis on conceptualizing and measuring teacher talk within specific contexts and populations or the influence that child behavior has on teacher talk. We described and investigated varying models of teacher ...
In this day and age, however, I would not expect less examination. And because in homeschooling each home is like a world onto itself, and because whilst homeschooling is alternative and Waldorf homeschooling may truly be the alternative of the alternative, I think it often makes the diversit...
The WorkKeys® test (day two of the Prairie State Achievement Examination) draws that line at a score of 5/5 for Reading for Information and Applied Mathematics, respectively. In Chicago, less than a third of the graduates meet that standard. Most high schools are currently below 30%. ...
Middle school students often make decisions with little examination of possible consequences. This isn't done intentionally to aggravate adults; early adolescents are "concrete in their perspective- taking" and react mostly to immediate concerns. Older teens develop an ability to think abstractly, ...
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