有的时候,还被称作CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average),意思是所有学期的加权平均分。 另外总平均绩点(Overall GPA)是将全部所修学科按上述方法计算出来的点数,最后两年平均绩点(GPA for the last two years)即将最后两年所修各科算出来的点数。 中国学生有时还提供专业课GPA。申请本科的时候,高中学生还可以单...
There are several ways to determine student academic performance which are cumulative grade point average (CGPA), grade point average (GPA), tests and others. In Malaysia, researchers evaluate the student academic performance based on CGPA (Ervina and Othman, 2005; Manan and Mohamad, 2003 and ...
This tool made as per the Modified Bavarian formula estimates German grade by calculating the CGPA or the total percentage. With this tool, you don’t need to apply the complex formula to get your score converted. Here, we’ve got you our very own tool which not only simple to use but...