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2.Their holiday activities 3.Answer the questions. 1. When do you think the conversation takes place? 2. According to Lingling, why is travel so difficult in winter? 3. What are Daming and Betty looking forward to at the end of t...
2.学习句型:1) First of all,I'd like to congratulate all the students who are here today.2) I hope you'll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you.3) The key is to learn from mistakes and never give up.3. 通过阅读策略的训练,理解关于毕业演讲词的语篇...
improve the memory in the short termC. cause much more pain in our knees D. force the brain to think in the same way【2】Which one is the correct order of the following according to the passage①The backwards-walking group got two more correct answers on average.②The volunteers answered...
A 27, 34, 42 B 29, 37, 45 C 34, 55, 89 D 34, 55, 99 2. Mrs. Johnson asked her 6th-grade students to form a number pattern using these rules. 1) Use the number 1 as the first term. 2) To find any other term, double the previous term and add 2. The first two num...
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