American Textbook Reading Science Grade 4-15 24:25 英语桥梁书改编动画《Eva the Owlet 猫头鹰日记》,共16集(每集2个独立故事),1080P超高清,mkv格式,内封英文字幕 6.6万播放 美国原版幼儿教材Midisaurus English 米迪英语,【L1-L6 全套绘本PDF+视频+儿歌+教案】 2050播放 英文歌女王Demi唱读红火箭蓝盒1-4级...
An Analysis of the Seventh-Grade Science Textbook in Terms of Science, Engineering, and Entrepreneurship Applicationsdoi:10.14689/ENAD.27.1Kadriye KayacanMunevver OzluleciAni Publishing and Consulting Company
The objective of this study was to assess whether the grammar exercises presented in the grade nine Amharic language textbook published by the Ethiopian Ministry of Education in 2004 are based on the principle of communicative grammar. The main data collection techniques employed were document analysis...
It has also been found out that only (9) 30% of the participant English teachers scored 50% and above in the knowledge assessment test, while the rest (21) 70% of the teachers scored below 50%. The participant teachers’ mean score on the knowledge test was 43.4 below 50%. The ...
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RQ 1: Does participation in VR review games, compared to traditional PPT-led review sessions, enhance the textual and graphical composition of English posters created by fourth-grade students in a CLIL science setting, particularly in terms of Content, Communication, Cognition, and Culture, as eval...
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Science - A Closer Look - Building Skills Reading and Writing Workbook Grade 3英文原版教材电子版下载Textbook 下载积分: 4500 内容提示: TP3_RdWrtWkBk_SC07.indd 1 11/2/06 9:51:43 AM 文档格式:PDF | 页数:258 | 浏览次数:40 | 上传日期:2016-03-13 06:59:26 | 文档星级: TP3_RdWrtWkBk...