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PGT: preimplantation genetic testing; BAFs: B-allele frequencies; Pat: paternal; H1: haplotype 1; H2: haplotype 2. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Full size image PGT for mitochondrial DNA disorders The current gold standard for PGT for mtDNA disorders (PGT-MT) requires a ...
Of the four cancer cases who were under age 20 years at baseline, all developed the outcome 9 or more years after the time of their baseline smear (minimum age at diagnosis ¼ 27 years). Exclusion of four cases where the time between baseline and diagnosis was less than 6 months had ...
On the WLPB-R oral language subtests, different pat- terns of performances were noted. For Picture Vocabulary and Verbal Analo- gies, there were no differences between treatment and comparison students after adjusting for pretest performance level (both ps > .05), whereas treatment...
47. Patwardhan, G. A. & Liu, Y. Y. Sphingolipids and expression regulation of genes in cancer. Prog Lipid Res. 50, 104–114 (2011). 48. Abedin, S. A. et al. Elevated NCOR1 disrupts a network of dietary-sensing nuclear receptors in bladder cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 30, 449–...
This results in an equation for the logarithm of the concentration C during the time of the peaks:Ln C =S/V –(a+k)t (0 < t < 9h)Ln C = 5.41–0.399twhere S is the source strength, V the volume of the room, and t is measured in hours, starting at the time of the puff....
Given that grade has been shown by multiple independent groups to be prognostic and that the levels of inter-observer agreement have increased with the adoption of NGS, it is rather surprising that clinical practice has changed with molecular tests that have not been as comprehensively tested but ...
Although the biocompatibility of AISI 316LVM stainless steel has already been proven, bioactive and biocom- patible coatings on artificial hip prostheses can improve the interaction potential with exposed bone tissue either by attracting cells or by active therapeutic action through controlled (prolonged...
Service: Bert Schacter•Library Manager: Maggie Stevaralgia•VP, Marketing: Jocelyn Forman•Scholastic Education: President: Margery Mayer•Group VP Marketing: Greg Worrell• Director, Customer Service Technical Support: Karine Apollon-Mowatt•Associate Director of Customer Service: Pat Drayton ...
Moreover, the differential shrinkage along the thickness of the slab leads to upward curling on the edges of the slab [6–9]. Curling of concrete slabs-on-grade remains a major concern and its mitigation is critical for crack control, durability, and mechanical performance [10–13]. In ...