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In this study, I conduct a critical discourse analysis of a textbook currently approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education's Trillium List for the compulsory grade-nine applied-level Canadian geography course: Canadian Geography: A Sense of Place.;First, I consider how the textbook creates ...
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In this context, I review Holocaust representation in an Ontario Grade Ten course curriculum, Canadian and World History 10, and its provincially advised textbook, Canadian Sources: Investigated (1914 to the Present) (2008). I critique three main aspects of the portrayal: an ambiguously framed ...
In this context, I review Holocaust representation in an Ontario Grade Ten course curriculum, 'Canadian and World History 10', and its provincially advised textbook, Canadian Sources: Investigated (1914 to the Present) (2008). I critique three main aspects of the portrayal: an ambiguously framed...
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