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This study aims to develop an evaluation framework to assess the mathematical deductive reasoning competence (MDRC) of eighth-grade students in China based on Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The framework includes fou...
The participants were administrators, department heads and teachers from four secondary schools out of ten involved in a mathematics professional development project. At each school, an implementation team was responsible for identifying the mathematics strands to be investigated, share resources, discuss ...
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This alternating curriculum has not been used in mathematics, Finnish or other languages. The most extensive change process in multi-grade teaching in Finland began in the 1970s, a phase that was characterized by the “spiral curriculum”—a concept strongly supported by the ideas of Jerome ...
The study described how their experiences with very capable mathematics students led to activities that can challenge and motivate these students. Literature showed that real-life problem solving, authentic instruction, and student choice through project-based learning can help improve student motivation. ...
University of Chicago Mathematics Project: Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry chapter 8 solutions rules of square roots quadratic factor calculator free percents worksheets graphing hyperbolas by completing the equation 9th grade algebra graphing lines simplifying radical expressions Abstract Alge...
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