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Evaluation of English textbook taught as an intensive English course at king khalid university from communicative competence perspective International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 5 (2) (2022), pp. 162-178 Google Scholar Brown, 2001 H.D. Brown Teaching by principles an interact...
This study investigated the effect of the present science curriculum and textbook exercises on scientific creativity. This study used document analysis as a form of qualitative investigation. This study used data derived from the academic performance of students in the 7th and 8th gra...
It has also been found out that only (9) 30% of the participant English teachers scored 50% and above in the knowledge assessment test, while the rest (21) 70% of the teachers scored below 50%. The participant teachers’ mean score on the knowledge test was 43.4 below 50%. The ...
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RQ 1: Does participation in VR review games, compared to traditional PPT-led review sessions, enhance the textual and graphical composition of English posters created by fourth-grade students in a CLIL science setting, particularly in terms of Content, Communication, Cognition, and Culture, as eval...
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