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刘明珠:市优质课教师、驿城区示范课教师、驻马店市第九中学英语教师。 名师推荐 郭艳丽:省优质课一等奖,省骨干教师,市教学技能大赛特等奖,市优秀班主任、市文明教师、市教学标兵,驻马店市实验中学英语教师。 推荐语 在观摩刘老师讲授...
The Macmillan Zambia readers series provides a graded reading programme intended for use in Grades 2, 3 and 4 in Zambian primary schools. The series aims to support and encourage children's reading abilities. There are five books for each term in each grade. This title is for Grade 2, term...
long-term follow-upmode of deliveryobstetric anal sphincter injuryBACKGROUND: Anal incontinence is a major concern fHanna Jang MD, PhD aJens Langhoff-Roos MD, PhD bSusanne Rosthj MSc, PhD cAbelone Saske MD, PhD bAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology...
Oligodendrogliomas (ODGs) are a subtype of diffuse lower-grade gliomas with overall survival of > 10 years. This study aims to
2(A)Name: David MooreSchool: Woodland High School LAGrade:_8 Term Ending: 2 June, 2016Subjects:English: His reading is very good, and he can remember many words.Science: He can work out many difficulties. Well done!Maths: He is a little weak in this, but he tries to catch up with...
Short- and long-term rhythmic interventions: Perspectives for language rehabilitation This paper brings together different perspectives on the investigation and understanding of temporal processing and temporal expectations. We aim to bridge... Daniele Schn,B Tillmann - 《Ann N Y Acad Sci》 被引量: ...