The NEAEA administered the grade 12 examination. In addition, the grade 12 examination is conducted across the country once every year in the month of June/July. In general, the grade 12 result was released in the month of August, and September. In grade 12 candidates have to pass a mini...
Civics Xamnation online tuitions cover various text books including NCERT books and other popular text books for Grade 6. Our course content is designed taking best curriculum from each of the book. If in case, student want specific book for grade 6, our teachers focus on that book only. P...
“It can be a bit tricky”: negotiating disciplinary language in and out of context in civics classrooms 2023, Classroom Discourse 2021, Writing and Pedagogy NEGOTIATING FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE FROM LITERARY TEXTS: SECOND-LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION AS A DUAL LITERACY PRACTICE ...