The old STW spelling curriculum has 24 units. Each unit has one or two worksheets to go along with it. Fourth grade spelling marks an important stage where students build upon foundational skills and tackle more advanced word patterns, vocabulary, and spelling rules. At this level, students exp...
My kids love all things Marvel, so I need to get ahold of this one ASAP. Nic Stone, author ofDear Martin, pens the story of Shuri, sister to T'Challa the Black Panther and superhero in her own right. In addition to being a science and tech genius, Shuri is also just a teenager ...
packagingaswellaswhatcountrymostofthefruitandvegetablescamefrom.Thestudentsfounditquiteinterestingbecauseitwassomethingtheyhadn’teventhoughtaboutbefore.Backintheclassroomweintegratedsomeoftheirmathcurriculumbydoingthedifferentcalculations.” -NancyPollard,Grade7Scienceteacher Activity:“HowBigisyourFootprint?” Time:...