This was a super fun multi-day, mixed media project with a lot of different techniques and processes. Day One: Start by painting papers with a paint scraping technique. Use scraps of cardboard dipped into neon paint (Amazon affiliate links have been used at no extra cost to you- the mone...
Fillwater balloonswith different solutions (oil, salt water, fresh water, etc.) and place the balloons in a large bucket of water to see if they sink or float. This is a cool project to do with your 3rd grade science class on the playground on a sunny day. Learn more:Balloon Density ...
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For example, long lined papers for beginner writers. This paper has wide spacing between horizontal lines. It helps writers, especially children who are just learning to write, to write letters and numbers easily. Through this worksheet, 4th grade students can practice handwriting to create good ...
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I know that to some (many?) people that is a controversial statement. To some (many?) 3rd grade marks a change in school. This is the year when kids are supposed to get serious. They’re supposed to have moved on past the play time and ease of primary grades and be ready now for...
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