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This is a spelling unit with a "simple machines" theme. The words in this spelling unit are: machine, lever, wedge, science, inclined plane, ramp, force, simple, pulley, work, wheel, power, compound, screw, axle, energy, resistance, effort, load, and motion. ...
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Unit 1: Forces & Motion Click on the squares in the calendar above to visit each day’s lesson. This unit covers Massachusetts standards 8.MS-PS2-1 and 8.MS-PS2-2. Unit 2: Chemistry Click on the squares in the calendar above to visit ...
Converting Energy to Motion A passage and questions about how energy can be stored and converted. Week 3 Reading Comprehension (C-3) Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics Evaluating in Math A reading passage and questions about the meaning of “Evaluate” when it is used in mathematics. ...
LAUREN ALLBRIGHT :: EXIT STRATEGY MG Contemporary Aladdin/S&S :: Summer 2017 When a twelve-year-old and his mother end their serial relocations, he must make friends for the first time ever. Since he doesn’t have a clue how to do that, he uses the sci
This Fun Winter STEAM Activity Includes:2 interactive student worksheets with pictures1 conclusion question worksheetBackground informationKey vocabularyList of materialsHelpful diagramsDetailed step-by-step instructionsScience & Engineering Concepts Covered:Newton's 2nd law of motionMassForceAcceleration...
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