The coordinates of the otherthree points are A (-2, 1), B (4, 1), and C (4, -3). 4. x=2, y=1 respectivelyinto two equations, a 2a+b=3,2b+a=7 Solve this $two equation,b=11/7, a=5/7 5.4x+3y=7 (1) Kx+ (k-1) y=3 (2) X=y (3) Because x=y is substituted...
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The Category List tool allows teachers to determine how assignments are grouped. This video demonstrates how to configure assignment categories.
The Course Grade Calc Options tool is used to configure how each standard and grading task on a course is calculated. This course uses a course with both grading tasks and standards aligned to it as an example of how grade calc options might be used. ...
Although full-grade acceleration is widely supported (Assouline et al., 2015, Rogers, 2007), there is much that educational scholars do not know about the long-term consequences of this intervention. In this study we used data from Terman's (1926) longitudinal study of gifted children to inve...
Exercise1SolvingLinearEquations:VariableonOneSideStep3Lindasolvedtheequation2(x--1/8)-3/5x=55/4.Inwhichstepdidsheusetheadditionpropertyofequality?Step1Step2Step3Step4 Exercise2SolvingLinearEquations:VariablesonBothSidesWhichnumbercaneachtermoftheequationbemultipliedbytoeliminatethefractionsthefractionsbeforesolving...
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