While these pathways are compelling targets for treatment given known genetic aberrations in both pathways in pHGG2,5, both compounds are known substrates of ATP-dependent efflux pumps P-gp and BCRP, limiting their brain exposure34,35. Therefore, we selected paxalisib (GDC0084) and mirdametinib...
Download "Bioenergetics Quiz" app to install revision notes with MCQs: Bioenergetics and ATP, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, respiration, ATP cells energy currency, energy budget of respiration, limiting factors of photosynthesis, mechanism of photosynthesis, microorganisms, oxidation reduction reactions,...
Download "Bioenergetics Quiz" app to install revision notes with MCQs: Bioenergetics and ATP, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, respiration, ATP cells energy currency, energy budget of respiration, limiting factors of photosynthesis, mechanism of photosynthesis, microorganisms, oxidation reduction reactions,...