Lignocellulose contains three main components: an amorphous hemicellulose, a semi-crystalline cellulose and amorphous phenylpropanoid called lignin [7]. The complete and efficient re-use of lignocellulose into usable value-added materials has been a major challenge for both chemical and biological methods...
SSetcoopnedly, the texture direction d0ir°ection4b5e°cause9t0h°ere w1a3s5°no significant 3 × 3 0.983 1.240 0.941 0.980 1.941 1.981 1.969 1.961 difference in the5 e×n5tropy am1.5o0n0 g d1if.6fe51rent 1d.3ir8e9ction1.s5.20For 2t.h74e1 taili2n.7g8s5 pon2d.7,80becau2....
formulations, oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions encapsulated various poorly-soluble compounds, with a dispersed oil phase in aqueous solutions, are generally prepared by the apparatus, such as a high-pressure homogenizer and extruder, to supply energy that increases the water/oil interfacial area [8–...