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If you are going to take notes, take out paper or your reflection diary. Write down some notes on the new things that you learned in the unit. Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some connections.Think about things that you are not sure 【7】. Maybe you ...
Initial colonoscopy alone was performed in 42 patients, while 58 patients had a 2nd, 11 had a 3rd, and 1 had a 4th procedure (Fig. 3). The most common reasons for performing recurrent procedures were residual disease or positive margins from prior procedure at 51% (35/68) followed by a...
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Grade-Level Expectations are numbered consecutively in each grade level and grouped by standard in the following order: • Standards 1, 6, and 7—Reading and responding • Standards 2 and 3—Writing process and conventions of language • Standard 4—Speaking and listening • Standard 5—Us...
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Grade 7, Introduction 2: Team Building respect, responsibility, or teamwork in a class. Write down their ideas on chart paper. For suggestions, see Facilitator Resource 2, Successful Behaviors. III. Our Destination (20 minutes) 1. For this activity students will be working in groups of four....
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