1)Usethenumber1asthefirstter. 2)Tofindanyotherterm,doublethe previousterandadd2. Thefirsttwonumbersinthepaernare1and4.Whatisthe4thnumberinthe paern? A20 B22 C44 D46 Objective1.2 3.ThegraphbelowshowsthatKi’sean(average)bowlingscoreshaveforeda ...
1、grade是可数名词,基本意思是“等级”,可用于产品质量、官阶、学位、技巧水平等。grade在美式英语中,用以指(中小学的)“年级”,相当于英式英语中的form和standard。2、在美国grade可表示“评分的等级”,常接A、B、C或1,2,3等作同位语。the grades还可指“小学”。六、例句:1. The boy first s...
6th Grade Practice Test 六年级国际学校数学试卷.pdf,th 6 Grade Practice Test Objective 1.1 1. Dale used these steps to form a number pattern. 1. The first term is 3. 2. The second term is 5. 3. Each term after the second is the sum of the two terms just b
Grade的意思是:1、n.(产品、材料的)等级,品级;(官衔的)级别;职别;成绩等级;评分等级 2、v.(按能力、质量、大小等将…)分级,分等,分类;给…评分;给…分数 Grade 读法 英 [ɡreɪd] 美 [ɡreɪd]短语:1、make the grade 成功;达到标准 2、ore grade 矿石品位分级...
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It had a small sample size, exclusively female participants, and a lack of long-term follow-up. While generalization to the wider population should be approached with caution, the study's findings still contribute to a broader understanding of the potential benefits of the interventions within ...
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