【Unit6-03】End marks 01:49 【Unit6-04】Across the curriculum 00:32 【Unit6-05】Commas in a series 01:13 【Unit6-06】Exercises 02:05 【Unit7-01】Reviewing a fiction book 06:26 【Unit7-02】Nouns 01:44 【Unit7-03】Capital letters ...
【Unit10-08】Subject-verb agreement 00:54 【Unit10-09】Exercises 08:39 【合集160集全】经典美音 美国小学的原版语文课精选 18.3万播放 【700集全】地道美音 美中小学精选课程 386.2万播放 【美国小学英语原版教材】美国小学英语原版教材 美国小学英语 (持续更新) 12.2万播放05...
No results found for 1st Grade Subject-Verb Agreement Lesson PlansTry again: Browse the entire Learning Library Tips for searching: Use more general search terms Keep your search terms concise Double check the spellingStill can't find what you're looking for? Share your feedback and help us ...
Study subject and verb agreement and verb tense agreement. Find out what subjects and verbs must do to form proper sentences and see proper and...
2nd Grade Subject-Verb Agreement Editing Invitation 2nd Grade Subject-Verb Agreement Excerpt from The Plot Chickens Invitation to Notice What if she hides? We hide from hawks every day. Maxine’s mother swoops in to save her in the nick of time. The children love your book. Will you read ...
15. Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises. Click Image to Enlarge Five interactive exercises. Keep track of your answers on the accompanying handout to be printed. SEE MORE 16. Subject-Verb Agreement Pronoun Quiz. Click Image to Enlarge Select the correct verb form to agree with the subject....
01UnitThemeandBackground ThemeIntroduction Thisunitintroducesthethemeof"HobbiesandActivities",focusingondifferenttypesofHobbiesandactivitiesthatpeopleenjoy Studentswilllearnaboutvarioushobbiessuchasreading,sports,music,andarts,andhowtheycanenrichpeople'slives Theunitalsoexplorestheimportanceofbalancinghousesanddaily...
Activity 5 If your class has grammar texts, you can Draw attention to questions in the exercises duplicate the pages in this book to use as in which a helping verb is separated from the reinforcement. main verb by the subject. / Read aloud the instructions and Activity 6 examples as some...
Familiarize yourself with fundamental grammatical rules such as verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, parts of speech, and sentence structure. Applying these rules will help you identify the correct grammatical form for the blank, ensuring your answers are grammatically sound. 4. ...
Mary Fifer, BSBAis webmaster, author, and researcher at PrintNPractice.com. She has created elementary school practice exercises using digital interactive worksheets. Printable and perfect for today's teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!