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but 但是。根据上一句"Simple science was easy for me at first and I always did well on tests"可知前后是表示转折,因为连词后面有逗号,所以这里只能填however。故答案为C。2.考查动词不定式。句意:尽管我尽最大的努力但还是理解不了。A. understand 动词原形;B. to understand 动词不定式;C. understanding ...
I was in the fifth grade and about to take a science test.I had always been good at schoolwork since the first grade.Simple science was easy for me and I always did well on thetests. However, when it came to fifth-grade science, I wasstruggling(挣扎). There was a time when I ...
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6. Investigate the effects of erosion Difficulty: Easy / Materials: Basic Compare the effects of “rain” on hills of bare soil vs. those covered with grass. Have your 3rd grade science students predict which they think will stand up to erosion better and then test their hypotheses. ...
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Just before the test then I had written some of the 6 on my desk top in pencil. I sat 7 as the teacher started to hand out test papers. I didn’t want to get 8 , but I didn’t want to fail either. As the teacher was starting down my group 9 the fire alarm(警报器) went ...
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(ii) Linear Models and Economic Statistics, (iii) Statistical Inference: Estimation, Testing of hypothesis and Non-parametric Test, (iv) Stochastic Processes, (v) Multivariate analysis, (vi) Econometrics and time series, (vii) Statistical computing; and (viii) Data Science, Artificial Intelligence...
All question papers (in both the Phases, except the test of English) will be set bilingually in Hindi and English. Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR) – DEPR Note: Candidates, who secure minimum aggregate marks in Paper I & II of Phase – I, as prescribed, will be shortlisted for Phase II...