被引量: 6发表: 2010年 Knowledge, attitude and associated factors among primary school teachers regarding refractive error in school children in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia.#... INTRODUCTION: Refractive error is an important cause of correctable visual impairment in the worldwide with a global di...
mirrors, light, color; Zoology; Algebra and Geometry brought together in Analytical Geometry; Statistics; Probability; Computer Math; Integral Calculus; Logic; Building computers; History of Architecture. I will include
(ASI)AppliedChemAppliedMathAquaculture JournalArchitectureArthropodaArtsAstronomyAtmosphereAtomsAudiology ResearchAutomationAxiomsBacteriaBatteriesBehavioral SciencesBeveragesBig Data and Cognitive Computing (BDCC)BioChemBioengineeringBiologicsBiologyBiology and Life Sciences ForumBiomassBiomechanicsBioMedBiomedicinesBioMed...