If you have taken ABRSM grade 5 theory recently, you will have probably taken the online exam. You will find grade 6 quite a different experience, as 50% of the paper requires you to write music yourself. If you have not done much handwriting of music before, be sure to do plenty of...
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The MAP exam is an adaptive test. The amount of questions in each section are not fixed because the difficulty of the exam varies over the course of the test, getting harder or easier following a correct or incorrect answer. It's also important to note that the MAP test has no time res...
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Grading of pancreatic injuries was done according to the AAST grading system. CT scan was obtained on all patients who are hemodynamically stable and had intra-abdominal fluid on FAST exam as per the ATLS protocol ofblunt abdominal trauma. Patients who are hemodynamically unstable had an early ope...
The candidates appearing for the exam must be graduates or postgraduates, depending on the post. What are the subjects required for the preparation of stage-1 of the written exam? The candidate must prepare well in subjects like- General Awareness, Reasoning, Aptitude, and English language. ...