Vandersel, Ashley
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The old STW spelling curriculum has 24 units. Each unit has one or two worksheets to go along with it. Fourth grade spelling marks an important stage where students build upon foundational skills and tackle more advanced word patterns, vocabulary, and spelling rules. At this level, students exp...
Alberta Grade 6 Science Curriculum Save with Evan-Moor Daily Fundamentals, Grade 6 Teacher Edition $904 current price $9.04 Evan-Moor Daily Fundamentals, Grade 6 Teacher Edition Complete Math Scholar Complete Math Scholar Grade 6, (Paperback) ...
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G3G5 Create shapes of given perimeters Measurement View Details G3 Multiply by one-digit numbers Numbers up to 1,000 View Details G3G4 Strategize to solve subtraction problems (fractions, like denominators) Other activities View Details
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Both groups completed three lessons from the Alberta (Canada) CBI mathematics curriculum for grade 10. For the audio condition, lessons were modified by adding redundant audio through male voice instructions. Analysis of scores on a mathematics achievement test did not indicate any effects of CBI ...